
Saturday, March 29, 2014

HIFTBK: Getting into a new school

  Okay, so if you're a sixth grader, right now you're probably worrying about getting into a new school. Well, you should! Parents stress so hard that we should get into a really good school that, if we don't, they most definitely will punish us or scold us or make us take even more extra classes! Also, if you don't get into a good school,everything is almost over for you until you get another chance in ninth grade! But don't let yourself fall victim to stress! Here are some steps to follow when studying for something. I think it really works!
1. Get yourself into a 'studying mood' by reading comic books about people studying and having fun about it (that works for me) , thinking about the outcome if you study really hard like your parents want you to (that almost never work for me, but it might work for you), or doing whatever it is that makes you want to study.
2. Have a 'study buddy'. This could be your sibling or friend. Read up on a certain subject, then quiz each other on it. Or help each other with questions. Maybe you could even play 'teacher'! Just make sure you study, not gossip or play!
3. Set a time limit. Suppose you're studying Science. Give yourself forty minutes to study and ten minutes to get quizzed. Or, if you don't have a study buddy, just study for forty-five minutes instead. Then, give yourself a 10-15 minute break before moving on to the next subject.
4. Set a prize. This will help motivate you. For example: "If I finish studying in three hours, I'll get to watch a movie!" or "If I can do all the math problems in this chapter and all the science questions in my workbook, I'll get to play a computer game for forty minutes!" Be sure to go over the system with your parents first!
  And that's my advice for studying! But, seriously, why are there tests anyway? If only the life was just one big talent show and all you had to do was show your special talent and you'd get into a school. Oh well. But I guess we'll have to settle for second best: We should have entered a school that    ran from kindergarten to twelfth grade or something. Be sure to comment! Or send your tips to us at or! See you next week!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

How It Works

So, you're probably thinking: " I thought this blog was about how it feels to be a kid? Where are all the posts about being a kid? " Well, rest assured! We HAVE posted those things! We've sorted them into different pages. So just click on the ' pages ' tab and select one that has "HIFTBK:" in front of it   ( HIFTBK stands for How It Feels To Be a Kid ) and enjoy!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Welcome Message

Welcome to our blog! In this short post we will be telling you what we plan to be blogging about. As you've probably guessed, we're going to try and post weekly. We'll be blogging about what it's like inside a kid's head. If you're a kid, in, say, middle school, and looking for someone to understand you, this is just for you. If you're an adult trying to understand kids, same goes for you. this is NOT a psychology blog. Well, thi is all! BYE!