
Saturday, January 3, 2015

Christmas And New Year's

Hi, Fern here. I realized that I haven't blogged in a while, so I decided to take advantage of the New Year's celebrations and write about what New Year's is like here. First of all, a nice breeze has finally made it's way to Thailand, and we're wearing sweaters outside for the first time in forever. It's only going to last for a week, though. So most people try to enjoy it while they still can. I've recently gone on vacation, but I won't talk about that, since it would probably bore you. New year's passed a few days ago, since we live in a time zone that's 24 hours faster than America. And unless you're like me, you probably got some really nice presents ( seriously, what's the big deal about "ugly Christmas sweaters"? ), like a new bike or an Air Wheel or a dog. I got a robot dog with a broken paw, a necklace and a green bracelet. Anyway, what really irks me is the stereotypical "White Christmas" idea people have. You know, with snowball fighting and snowman building and real Christmas trees and eggnog and Santa coming down a chimney. We don't get snow here in Thailand, we don't cut down trees just to hang orbs on them and throw them out day later ( we use the same plastic tree every year and it works just fine, thank you very much ), and we have no use for a chimney. Santa Claus comes in through the door. The crackling fireplace people snuggle by in Christmas videos only exists on TV, and nobody has the slightest idea what eggnog is. We don't get Christmas sweaters because there's no logical reason to wear thick sweaters made of fleece in the world's fifth hottest city, and Christmas dinner is just normal dinner, except on Christmas. But still, we manage to have a happy holiday. On New Year's Eve, we count down to midnight and watch spectacular fireworks. See? PERFECTLY FINE. Anyway, I just wanted to say MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Sorry this blog post was late. Thanks for reading our blog. You have no idea how much we appreciate it! And if you could just comment and tell others about our blog, that would be the best present ever! Sorry, had to put that in. And please check out Palm's stories on Wattpad! Just search ZeMobip.Again, thanks for reading!
