
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Teacher Love

Recently, I noticed an interesting development between my Maths teacher and my Chinese teacher. I'll call the Maths teacher DJ In Disguise, and call my Chinese teacher Pretty Model ( because she's extremely pretty ).  The point is that I think DJ has a crush on Model. No, I'm POSITIVE! Why?

First clue: My sister spotted him flirting with her in a classroom ( AFTER school was over! ) . He was smiling and talking and trying to get close to her. She smiled back politely and was soon seen hurrying out of the room as fast as possible.

Second Clue: A reliable source reported that DJ asked some students how to say " You are very beautiful " in Chinese.

Third Clue: The same source said that when Model first came to the school, he ASKED FOR HER PHONE NUMBER and they were SEEN TOGETHER!

Great, now I sound like a gossip column trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. Still, it's extremely likely that they like each other. Check out for my friend's full profile of DJ. Bye!

                                                                                                                                                  - Ferny

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Tests are a subject that nearly anyone can relate to. There are a dozen different kinds of tests, but today I'm going to be blogging about the most commonly known ( and dreaded ) type of test. SCHOOL TESTS. Midterm, finals, even pop quizzes. EVERYONE dreads studying for tests. Yes, you read me. STUDYING for tests. Not the tests themselves. Let's face it, studying for tests usually take more time than you'd expect. And you usually cover more info than you get tested on. Tests are still dreadful, as you have to wait if you're done before everyone else, or panic if time runs out before you're done. And when you face a question you're sure you read about, or forgot the answer to, you feel like beating yourself up. But the worst event that could happen is if you get HORRIBLE scores on a test even though you've always gotten good scores before. Or even worse than that: You FAILED. I failed one of my tests miserably and found out yesterday, and ( not boasting but ) I've always been a smart student. I was shocked, devastated and well, all the things you go through when you fail an important test. I'd NEVER failed a single test before. I'd never even come close! Everyone gasped when the teacher said I failed which made me mad. Obviously they thought I HAD to be as smart as my sister. I DESPISE being compared to her! Especially when she's so hard to live up to! So needless to say ( being the drama queen that I am ) , I had a good hearty cry and skipped lunch that day. I cried for two whole periods ( as in SCHOOL periods ) and also cried during lunch. Don't judge me unless you've had the same experience. Anyway, I sucked it up the next day ( well, today )and asked the teacher about a resit. She hasn't said when I could redo the test but it's probably some time next week. Speaking of which, I've gotta go study. Comment if anything like this has ever happened to you! I'll see you next week!
                                                                                                                                                   - Ferny

Monday, July 14, 2014

Arts & Crafts

Recently, a friend of mine has started selling banana chocolate muffins to buy a ticket to some One Direction concert. It got me thinking, I suck at this stuff. Sewing? SO out. Baking? I don't have that touch. DIYing? More like Don't do It Yet. Yet all of my friends ( and every effing girl in the U.S.A. ) seem to be born with a knack for, well, everything. Not only do they love it, they excel at it. They make it seem as though baking, DIY crafts, sewing etc. are all minor activities that they can just throw together at the last second. It would seem as though an average five-year-old U.S. girl could whip up an entire mattress or DIY anything in five seconds while I slave over a pillowcase! From the way they talk about it, you'd think their entire HOUSE was something they " did for fun when they were bored "! Where does all this natural ability come from! Oh, and it's not just ABILITY, no, where do they get all the MONEY and EQUIPMENT and - most importantly - TIME to do all this?! Maybe they have an everything shop near their house? Or maybe they've just got one big room full of stuff I don't even know exists? Books and websites make it seem so simple and easy. Like " Wanna bake a life-size fully furnished mansion? It's easy! Just follow these instructions that are so specific and complicated you end up mixing flour with some random ingredient that you have no idea what it is! " Sorry for all that ranting. I'm sure I've been boring, but people have to understand that we don't have a bunch of DIY-ready spare T-shirts or silicone pads or whatever just lying around the house! And my ENTIRE COUNTRY  doesn't even PRODUCE half of the ingredients you require to make an " easy bakery-something-product "! Thailand is NOT one of those everywhere-you-turn-there's-a-shop-that-sells-every-effing-thing-the-universe-has-to-offer countries!!! Anyway, if you have this dilemma I would LOVE to relate to someone for a change. So email me at or just comment. Have a wonderful DIY-stress-free day!